A loan helped a member to buy papaya, avocado, watermelon, cucumber, fabrics and cosmetics.

Mujeres Unidas De Peligro 6 Group's story

Susana is the coordinator of her group, Mujeres Unidas de Peligro 6 (United Dangerous Women). She began with Kiva partner, Esperanza, because she needed to for her business. She now loves the program and her loan partners. Her story is representative of her group and of Esperanza's Haitian and Dominican clients generally (many of whom recently emigrated to the Dominican Republic from Haiti). Her group is located in the rural area surrounding El Seibo, an agricultural area. This area, like nearly all impoverished areas of the Dominican Republic, suffers from unreliable running water (none of which is potable) and electricity. Susana makes her home here in a simple structure with her long-term partner and one child.

Susana is excited to be taking her ninth loan with Esperanza after having successfully repaid her previous loan and grown her business. She has run her business for almost seven years, and started out by selling small amounts of fruits from a bag as she walked along the street. She plans to use this loan to invest in her fruit stand by buying papaya, watermelon, mangoes, salad and other items such as cosmetics and clothes. She will use the profits to buy a television and school supplies. Susana wants to improve her business so that she can save to build her house. She says that her most difficult challenge is to build her house. In the meantime she plans to continue enjoying being with her family.

In this group: Susana, Amelina, Santa, Cloreta, Maria

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details