A loan helped a member to build a sales booth and purchase ingredients for sweets.

Las Costeñitas Group's story

The Las Costeñitas committee started with the initiative of three members who joined together in order to start their businesses. They are currently in the ninth cycle of the entrepreneurial women's committee and they are made up of eighteen women.

One of them is Benicia. Apart from fulfilling the role of treasurer of the committee, she works together with the other members to advance the group, especially when it comes to making payments on time and maintaining the good rating that the group is known for.

Benicia, who is married and a mother, works in sewing, making clothes on request and manufacturing mouth covers that she distributes in stores. Apart from that, she and her husband began to sell handmade sweets from their home.

Her goal for this year is to build a small business in front of her home to offer sewing services and sell different varieties of sweets. She is requesting this loan to build a sales booth and also to purchase ingredients to make sweets, such as a fruit similar to lychee, orange, sugar, plastic jars, etc. so that she can attract more customers and improve her quality of life.

Only one person appears in this photo, but this is a group loan. It wasn't possible to take a group photo due to the need to avoid crowing because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In this group: Francisca, Benicia, Griselda, Blanca, Cándida, Celia, Aurora, Marilina, Ilda, Mariela, Silvia, Liz, Yenny, Zulma, Romina, Aureliana, Leydi, Maria

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Jamie Morgan.

This loan is special because:

It includes a basic health insurance plan.

Loan details

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