A loan helped women-owned businesses grow and create jobs for my community.

Amber's story

My personal background is tied to my business because since the age of 15 I have seen the struggle that family members go through when taking care of their loved ones. I witnessed my mom try to juggle work and taking care of my grandfather, and later in life, I had to do the same with my father. When it’s a wish of your loved one to stay in their home you do your best in accomplishing that. I stepped up at the age of 15 with helping my mom which made me want to get my nursing license. With helping my dad set off a light bulb( people like my mom and myself in similar situations need help). This is what made me want to start a Residential Services Agency. So that I could be able to help provide care or help direct them on how to get resources to help care for their loved ones. My agency is geared at providing tools to help people who need the little extra stay in their homes. I watched how going into a nursing home affected my grandfather. I would love to help people not go through what we went through.

This loan is special because:

It supports a Black female entrepreneur in expanding their business.

Loan details

About A and R Homecare LLC

Industry: Services
Years in operation: 1 year - 3 years
Website: Aandrhomecarellc.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details