A loan helped to buy a kneading machine to expand her production and increase her income.

Yarelis Coromoto's story

Yarelis is 38 years old. She has a beautiful family with her husband and a son. She is a successful micro-entrepreneur of Venezuelan nationality. She has lived in Ecuador for three years.

As soon as she arrived in the country, she began to look for a way to get ahead. She remembered that when she was little, she and her mother made all types of desserts, and thus she began with making cakes and other pastry products. With determination and dedication, her business undertaking became established, until she achieved the business that she now has.

As a result of her rapid growth, Yarelis needs more equipment to be able to meet the demand of her customers. She is applying for a loan to acquire a kneading machine.

She dreams of opening another branch with her products, and she is not going to rest until she achieves this.

Thanks to your contribution, Yarelis will have a little boost to be better every day and thus increase her business to support her family.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Pam McMurry.

This loan is special because:

It helps all refugees, but primarily Venezuelan refugees, in Ecuador to rebuild their lives.

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