A loan helped to buy construction supplies such as bricks, cement, and zinc, to renovate his old home.

Chet's story

Chet is a married man living in Treang District with his spouse and children, who currently still depend on his income. Chet, together with his wife, works hard to educate their children and provide basic needs to the family. At home he has been operating a small convenience shop offering many types of products, including grocery items, snack foods, sweets, powders, canned food, noodles, and miscellaneous household things to local people in his community. He makes a suitable income of 5 USD per day, from which he can cover his daily costs. He is in the photograph with his wife.

At the moment, Chet's house is under construction and he needs more materials to have it finished. Due to a shortage of his money, he is asking for a loan to buy construction supplies such as bricks, cement, and zinc, to renovate his old home.

He hopes that, through the help of the loan, he can provide everyone in his family with a suitable place to live and comfortable living conditions, and have enough funds to pay for labor costs. He can prevent his family from enduring the crisis of climate change and can save some money for use in future needs.

He sends his thanks to all lenders for helping poor fellow people like him to improve their families' economic situations.

This loan is special because:

It provides access to clean, renewable energy sources, like solar and biogas.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details