A loan helped to pay for a bag of flour, sugar, yeast, salt, and cooking oil to stock up her cabinet to produce delicious donuts for her customers.

Martha's story

Martha is a 52-year-old mother of three. All three of her children are grown up and have their own families. She is happily married and her husband is unemployed. Martha lives in her own home with her family in a village which is located on the northern coastline of Efate Island. Her village is large but has a small population, and the main industries are agriculture and fishing. Due to the locals' high demands for fish and local products, making income from them has been good in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Martha has asked for a loan so she can purchase a bag of flour, sugar, yeast, salt and cooking oil which are ingredients she needs to produce her delicious homemade donuts that satisfy her customers. She wants to increase her quantity as the demand for donuts has grown. With the revenue earned, she will use it to renovate her old house.

Martha learned how to make donuts through a relative many years ago, and now has been in this business for over 10 years. She dreams of opening up her own retail shop where she can sell her donuts to locals and visitors that pass by.

This is Martha's third loan with South Pacific Business Development (Vanuatu) Ltd. She has outstandingly repaid her previous loans on time. Now Martha feels motivated to continue her business which has and will financially benefit her family.

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details