A loan helped to add to his stock of quality clothing items.

Samuel's story

Samuel is a young Kenyan entrepreneur who owns and runs a boutique selling used clothing items in the Kalobeyei settlement camp. He started the business in 2016 after observing a niche for affordable clothing within the camp.

The boutique has experienced steady growth over the years as it continues to build itself a rich base of loyal customers. The business exhibits signs of further growth as it is strategically located, and its clothing items are fairly priced in comparison to the rest of the boutiques around the camp.

Samuel successfully underwent AEC’s business training program geared towards financial management and increasing sales for microbusinesses within the camp. He is successfully applying the skills in managing the boutique, which now boasts improved cash flows and efficiency.

A loan to Samuel will enable him to add to his stock of quality clothing items and hence continue providing his community with variety to choose from.

This loan is special because:

It help refugees integrate into their host communities.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details