A loan helped to add more stock to her store and install an e-ticketing machine for phone top-ups and bus cards.

Akisi's story

Akisi used her previously granted loan to set up her canteen. She bought stocks of groceries and other essentials that she sold to earn a stable income for her family. The popularity of her canteen grew, and it required an expansion to cater to the community's demands.

Akisi kindly requests another loan so that she is able to further expand her canteen, buy more stock plus other miscellaneous items. She also wants an e-ticketing service machine that allows people to recharge their phones as well as bus cards for travel, as the Fijian government has demanded this ever since 2017. She also hopes to increase her savings for her retirement when it comes.

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details