A loan helped to buy make-up, cosmetics, and other products.

Cruz Maria's story

Cruz is 73 years old, is a widow, and has an adult son. They live in Manta, which is a beautiful place where residents are very humble and hard working.

Crus is an enterprising woman, and every day she works to support the household expenses. Because of this, for 10 years, she has had a business selling beauty products. She used to sell her products as a street vendor, but now she makes sales from her home.

Due to COVID-19 pandemic, her business declined due to health and safety concerns, and her income decreased drastically. Because of this, she is now requesting a new loan to invest in new products. She will buy make-up, cosmetics, and other products. Her dream is for the pandemic to end quickly and to have a peaceful life.

Translated from Spanish.

This loan is special because:

It helps borrowers withstand negative economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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