A loan helped to buy 20 piglets, 30 sacks of bissekanssé, and 40 sacks of red sorghum.

Kouiliga's story

Kouiliga is a mother of eight children. She has raised pigs for more than 11 years in an area outside the capital. She has repaid her first Kiva loan.

Kouiliga is seeking a new loan to buy 20 piglets, 30 sacks of bissekanssé, and 40 sacks of red sorghum to raise her pigs and then sell them at a time to earn a lot of profits.

She hopes to use her profits to reinvest in her pig farming and to save to take care of her children.

She invites everyone to protect themselves against COVID-19.

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Lindsay Ferrara.

This loan is special because:

It helps borrowers access financial services on flexible terms with no collateral requirements.

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