A loan helped to buy more dairy cows.

Erkingul's story

This lovely lady is Erkingul. She's 33, married and raising 2 children. She has a university education, and she's very kind-hearted and hardworking. Her main source of income for her family has been raising cattle and growing crops since 2010. Thanks to her and her husband's hard work, the farm now has 2 cows, 8 sheep, and 2.8 hectares of land where she grows organic beans.
Erkingul has a contract to sell her organic milk to a local factory for further dairy processing. This allows her to continuously reinvest in her agricultural business.
Having learned that she could get a loan against her future sales contract at Bai Tushum Bank, Erkingul decided to ask for a loan of 120,000 KGS. This allows her to buy more dairy cows and increase her sales volume of organic milk. The factory's payments for her milk will go straight to Erkingul's bank account, so the loan repayments will be deducted automatically. Earnings off this loan will help her expand her farm.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Anya Pechkina.

This loan is special because:

It allows farmers to increase production and income in a guaranteed value chain.

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