A loan helped to purchase more supplies for her tailoring shop.

Esther's story

Esther is a Kenyan entrepreneur operating a tailoring shop in Kakuma town at the heart of Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya. Esther has been running her tailoring store over the last eight years. Since 2012, the business has been supporting her family, giving them hope for a better future. Her passion for business has helped grow her business, creating an opportunity for employment for both the refugees and local community.

Esther is a mother and a wife. She supports her family from the proceeds of her business. She is hard-working and dedicated to growing her tailoring shop. Her shop is located in a strategic location in Kakuma town, which has made her an attractive option to her many local and refugee customers.

Esther has a very good history with lenders, having cleared her previous loan in good time. A second loan to her will assist her to increase working capital for her business by introducing new products so that she will be able to meet the demand from her growing customer base.

This loan is special because:

It help refugees integrate into their host communities.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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