A loan helped a member to construct a granary to store her harvest.

Owot Ilwak Group Obapo's story

Florence, a 38-year-old, stays in Aber and is married with four children. She grows maize, cassava, sunflowers, and beans. She trades in produce for a side income with the support of her husband, who is also a farmer.

She is requesting a loan from VisonFund to construct a granary where she plans to store her harvest to avoid it being spoiled by rain and insects. Florence expects a big harvest this season, and she plans to store her harvest and sell it at a later time when the purchasing price is good.

Her dream is to see her children complete school. She is thankful to Kiva for supporting her.

In this group: Ketty, Susan, Jenifer, Benard, Anna, Janifer, Florence, Ceasar, Steven, Eunice, Anna, Florence, Denish, Innocent

This loan is special because:

It helps farmers in Uganda increase their income and provide for their families.

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