A loan helped to purchase pharmaceutical products.

Keila Gresibel's story

Keila is 22 years old. She is in a common-law marriage. She is waiting for her first child. Her husband is a merchant. They rent a home in Manta, one of the most important cities for business and tourism on the coast of Ecuador, but that has been affected by the pandemic.

Keila is an enterprising woman who strives every day to support her husband with the household expenses. It is because of this for 2 years she has owned a business selling pharmaceutical products. She performed her sales on foot but currently is making her sales through social networks. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic her business deteriorated because of biosecurity issues and her income diminished drastically.

It is because of this that she is now requesting a new loan with the objective of reviving her business again.

She will invest this loan in the purchase of pharmaceutical products. Her dream is to have her own home and in turn to have a pharmacy.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Sarah Tyler.

This loan is special because:

It helps borrowers withstand negative economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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