A loan helped to buy 20 cases of Guinness beer, 50 cases of Fanta and Coca-Cola, and to save money so he can give his children a better education.

Dieudonne's story

Dieudonne has five children, four of whom go to school. For 12 years, he has run a stall where he sells beverages in a neighborhood on the outskirt of the capital.. This is his seventh loan cycle with Yikri and he has been paying his loans without any problem.

He is requesting a loan to buy 20 cases of Guinness beer, and 50 cases of Fanta and Coca-Cola, so he can make his customers happy. He wants to use the profits to reinvest in his business and save money to give his children a better education.

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Sylvie Pelaprat.

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It helps borrowers access financial services on flexible terms with no collateral requirements.

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