A loan helped a member to stock up on Primus beer, local drinks and Simba beer to enhance her initial capital.

Abariki Group's story

Veronique is a client of IMF Hekima and president of the "Abariki" groupe villageoise. She is 51 years old, married and is the mother of twelve children. Seven go to school and 5 have finished school. Her spouse is a teacher.

She sells drinks. She started her business in 2004 with start-up funds she received from her husband. She later joined the Hekima program to support her business. During this time she has developed it progressively. With this new loan she will stock up on Primus beer, local drinks and Simba beer to enhance her initial capital. The challenge in her business comes from a lack of customers due to the current lockdown.

She would like to her children to continue their studies and to be able to feed her family. In closing she would like to thank Hekima and it's partners for the support provided to unbanked business owners during this time of global crisis brought about by COVID-19. The photo is of the leader only due to COVID-19.

In this group: Domina, Veronique, Francoise, Helene, Joseph, Julienne, Rosalie, Stephano, Etienne, Irene, Arlette, Jorime, Louise, Nonciata, Angelique, Mawazo, Denise

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer leonardo.

This loan is special because:

It serves entrepreneurs in conflict-affected areas with few opportunities.

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Lenders and lending teams

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