A loan helped to invest in fabrics and materials.

Sebastiana Mariana's story

Sebastiana Mariana and her family live in Manta, a prosperous city that is visited by many tourists who like to enjoy its wonderful beaches.

Sebastiana is a very hard-working woman who does whatever possible to earn her resources and thus help with the household expenses. Despite the difficult situation because of the health emergency, she continues with her business of selling clothing, shoes, and bed sheets.

However, upon seeing that her business could not stay afloat because of the quarantine, she decided to start another type of business that would enable her to generate income. Thus now she engages in sewing biosafety masks, hats and suits, since in this way she manages to earn what is necessary and that enables her to get ahead.

She will invest this loan in fabrics and materials needed for her business. Her dreams are to continue to be healthy and for her family to lack nothing.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Christine Bruggemann.

This loan is special because:

It helps borrowers withstand negative economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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