A loan helped a member to buy clothing and shoes for sale.

Las Mercedes Group's story

The group called Las Mercedes formed with the union of friends and neighborhoods. They are in their 35th cycle of the women's committee program. They are also part of the poverty elimination program where all fight for a better quality of life for their families and so that their families don't forego necessities.

Yamila is one of the women, who makes a living in sales. Her business consists of selling clothing and shoes. She also mentions that with her work her family thrives and she seeks to give them a better quality of life and make it so that they do not forego necessities. She is an entrepreneurial and tenacious person that fights for her family so that they don't suffer deprivation.

She asks for this loan to be able to invest it in the purchase of shoes and clothing of all types, and in this way be able to continue with her business and continue fighting.

Note: In the photo there appears only one person, but this is a group loan. A group photo was not possible due to avoidance of gatherings of people because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

In this group: Mari, María, Laura, Lidia, Yamila, Sady, Blanca, Graciela, Mariana, Lirada, Fátima, Lucía, Blanca, María, Lorena

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Verna Krishnamurthy.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by an industry-leading, poverty-elimination program.

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