A loan helped a member to buy fresh vegetables to sell.

Medalla Milagrosa Group's story

This group is called Medalla Milagrosa. They are enterprising women who are looking for a way to offer their families better living conditions, especially so that they don’t have to go through any kind of need.

One of the group members is Nazaria, who works selling vegetables. It is this work that has allowed her to be able to give her family a good life, without need. Nazaria decided to join this group with the goal of being able to give her family a better quality of life and continue helping with her household’s support. She says that she joined the group to in order to get training and improve herself, and in this way to continue improving her business.

She is asking for this loan to be able to buy fresh vegetables to sell, in order to continue with her sales and take care of her customers.

Note: The children in the photo are the children of group members who are signing for this loan.

In this group: Liz, Eleuteria, Dora, Susana, Patrocinia, Vilma, Nazaria, De Los Santa, Mabel, Griselda, Sara, Maria, Genara, Laura, Ceferina, Blanca

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Patricia Patton.

This loan is special because:

It helps reach the underserved

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