A loan helped to pay for land filling around his house.

Pang's story

Pang, age 51, is married and a lovely father of four children. He lives with his family located on the far distance of Kampot province, Cambodia.He is a motor-taxi driver that carries passengers to other places. With his hard-work and intelligence coupled his serious efforts, he fulfills the needs of his customers. He can earn approximately of USD $5 per day which will pay for daily meals and increase his family's economic.

Because of the shortage of his finances, he has applied a loan in the amounting of KHR 5,000,000 to pay for land filling around his house. With this loan support, he can pay for land filling and can provide his family members with good environment, fresh air, protect from illness and living in good conditions.

In the future, he aims to renovate his old house and wants to open a small groceries shop.

He sends thanks to all lenders who have contributed their funds to help poor fellow like him.

This loan is special because:

It provides access to clean, renewable energy sources, like solar and biogas.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details