A loan helped to purchase fruits and vegetables, products for household use and personal hygiene, canned good, and candies in general.

Sandra Milena's story

Thanks to the support received, Sandra, a humble woman of friendly character, has managed to expand her small business selling groceries and vegetables in a retail space located in the city center. This is the source of income for her household since, as a single mother, she has had to care for the education, food, housing, health, and clothing of her child on her own.

For this, she is very grateful to the Kiva organization since, thanks to the friendly hand it has offered her, she is gradually realizing her dream of having a minimarket and she wants to continue expanding her business. For this, she again asks for help to purchase fruits and vegetables, products for household use and personal hygiene, canned good, and candies in general. In this way, she hopes her profitability will increase.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

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