A loan helped notebooks, rice, oil.

Eufemia Cecilia's story

Eufemia L. is 35 years old and lives in a zone in the urban fringes in Paraíso de Guayaquil. Her house is made of cement and as of two months ago, she has electricity and water as basic services. Her husband sells fruits and they have 4 children who are 11, 9, 7, and 2 years old.

Eufemia began working on the back part of her house and converting it into a small area for the business that she has wanted so much and has invested her savings in things for a stationery store and a display case.

Thanks to the good decision, she now has a store stocked with supplies and stationery. She works from 6:00am to 10:00pm together with her husband. With the loan, she wants to purchase notebooks, rice and oils for her small store.

In the future, she wants for her store to be bigger and for her children to finish their studies.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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