A loan helped a member purchase wood in bulk to complete orders.

Irshad's Group's story

Irshad is the wife of A. D. and lives in a city named Multan in Pakistan. Multan city is famous for its shrines and sweetmeats.

She is a very active and caring lady. She stays at home and takes care of her family and does the domestic chores. She has five kids: two sons and three daughters. Her elder son is a carpenter and makes furniture on order to generate income. The others are enrolled in school and are getting an education.

Her husband has been operating a wood-selling business for the last five years. He has a good number of customers and receives many orders. Irshad has applied for a loan to buy wood in bulk because the currently available wood is insufficient for filling the orders. Buying in bulk will allow him to complete the orders on time, which helps his customers and makes a profit.

In this group: Irshad, Amna, Kosar, Tasawar

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