A loan helped to buy and to sell tangerines to increase revenue.

Zulfiya's story

This is Zulfiya. She is a resident of Kulob. She is 44 years old and is married. Zulfiya and her husband have brought up one son. Her mother-in-law, who is retired, also lives with them.

Zulfiya’s husband is a handyman. Zulfiya has a secondary education. As children grow, family expenses are also growing. Zulfiya does not want to be idle and she wants to help her husband to provide for their family.

Zulfiya wants to start working. She has some experience in selling dried fruits. But unfortunately she has no initial capital to start her business. Because of this she is turning to you.

She is hoping very much for your understanding and kindness.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Liubov Parsons.

This loan is special because:

It supports the well being of women and their families.

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