A loan helped to buy wood for the construction of her home.

Seng's story

Seng, aged 47, is an experienced farmer from a rural village of Baray district, Kampong Thom province, Cambodia. She has been doing farming for more than 10 years and her husband also works as a construction worker for additional income. She has a common-law relationship with her husband, who's a loving father of two children. All of her children are farmers to assists her to support family's expense everyday.

At the moment, Seng's home is under construction and she needs more materials to have it finished. Due to the shortage of money, she's asking for a loan to buy wood for the construction of her home. She hopes that, through the help of this loan, she can provide everyone in her family with a suitable place to live and comfortable living conditions.

In the future, Seng aims to expend her rice field to increase net profit and planting other agricultural products.

Seng sends thanks to all lenders who have contributed their funds to support poor fellow people like her.

This loan is special because:

It supports the social and economic well being of low income families

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Lenders and lending teams

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