A loan helped to employ 522 smallholder farmers in organic farming over the next four years.

Greenbox's story

Greenbox is a social enterprise that transforms regions of Peru from harvesting coca plants, used in drug trafficking, to organic farms. With your help, Greenbox can employ 522 smallholder farmers over the next four years. Greenbox works with small and medium-sized farmers in the Peruvian Amazon and the Central Andes to source organic golden berry, banana, pineapple, and mango that is then dehydrated and sold as dried fruits to clients internationally.

Farmers in this region are smallholders who practice subsistence agriculture, use limited technology, and sell their produce in the local market where prices are volatile from season to season. This volatility leads many farmers to seek out products like coca that provide higher margins, but which also carry a higher risk of violence and crime.

Greenbox trains farmers to adopt technology and practices that meet organic standards, enabling them to sell their harvests at a premium. Greenbox pays farmers a fair and stable price by fixing a minimum price for the year, beneficial to farmers who suffer peaks and falls in prices due to seasonality. The improved cash flow enables them to grow their businesses.

Your loan to Greenbox will enable the enterprise (1) to increase its drying capacity, (2) to improve operational efficiencies at the plant enabling it to double its processing capacity and (3) to increase its working capital to purchase more raw materials from farmers therefore employing 522 by the next four years.

The team and employees of Greenbox, pictured, along with Christian, Co-Founder, thank you for your support.

This loan is special because:

It supports businesses that are too big for microfinance but too small for banks.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details