A loan helped to buy sacks of clothes, trousers, shirts, blouses, skirts, dresses, curtains and bed sets.

Santos Francisca's story

Santos is a hardworking lady. She is 47 years old and a single mother of a children. She lives in the municipality of Tocoa, Colon.

For 7 years he has been working in her own business where she sells clothes for women, men and children, bed sets, pillowcases, carpets, curtains and tablecloths.

This business is her source of income to meet her needs. She is requesting a loan of 30,000 Lempiras to buy sacks of clothes, trousers, shirts, blouses, skirts, dresses, curtains and bed sets. Her dream is to improve her quality of life.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer E. Power.

This loan is special because:

It supports single mothers raising families on very little income.

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