A loan helped build a greenhouse to grow and provide off-season produce..

Nura's story

Nura is a 35-year-old mother of five children, who lives with her family in a small humble house in a village near Hebron. The family has a small agricultural area in the village where all of them work. To cultivate different crops based on the season, Nura went to Palestine for credit and development (FATEN) to request a loan. This loan will help her to make some maintenance for a greenhouse to continue provide off-season produce for her customers. Nura's family depends entirely on the land in covering family expenses and in providing money for the next planting season. Please help Nura by funding her loan .

Nura's husband appears in the photo, because she is a conservative woman

This loan is special because:

It benefits refugees who have been marginalized

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details