A loan helped a member to expand her business by buying cloth and threads.

San Felipe 2 Group's story

Catarina is a 46-year-old married woman with 6 children. With the effort of them both, her husband studied, graduated twelfth grade and became a teacher. Catarina's father died when she was seven, and she was only able to go to school through the first grade. She had to take care of the housekeeping and she began weaving and selling the typical fabrics, to help her mother with the family expenses.

Catarina’s daughter told her that the Chajulense Association of Women United for Life gives credit to women. This year, she will get her third credit: with the first two, she invested in buying clothes, like güipils of different colors, to resell them. With her third credit, she will expand her selling activities, and will buying different types of threads to make fabrics.

Catarina says that when she needed to expand her business, Chajulense Association of Women United gave her the resources.

Catarina is the leader of San Felipe 2, a group made up of 7 women, all from the Ixil Maya ethnicity. The group will use their loan for textile and services. On average, each member has 5 children and is 41 years old. Of the members, 44% are illiterate, 28% did not end their primary education, 14% graduated the twelfth grade as a teacher, and 14% graduated as a secretary.

In this group: Catalina Alicia, Catarina, Catarina, Catarina, Inés, Juana Angelica, Juana Angelica

This loan is special because:

It's made through a grassroots organization- by the borrowers, for the borrowers.

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