A loan helped to purchase a new ‎fan, straightener, cosmetic materials, waiting couches and a chair with a ‎soaking tub for pedicures‎.

Sanabel's story

Sanabel's beauty salon is located adjacent to her home. With her last loan, she ‎created a separate entrance to the salon from the entrance to her home, and her business ‎has grown nicely.‎

She needed this loan to renew her equipment. She needed to purchase a new ‎fan, straightener, new cosmetic materials, waiting couches and a chair with a ‎soaking tub for pedicures.‎

Sanabel wants to continue and manage her business well. She is maintaining ‎her clientele and is gaining new customers.

One day, when her children grow, ‎she wants to build a boutique salon outside of her home.‎

This loan is special because:

It's designed to help some of the most marginalized people in Israeli society.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details