A loan helped to purchase sugar, juices, sodas, eggs, dairy products, churros, spices, rice, cleaning products.

Leider Mabel's story

Leider is a 21 year-old woman, a single mother of one son. She lives in the town of La Flecha, Santa Barbara.

She has been working in her small grocery store for two years selling sugar, juices, sodas, eggs, dairy products, churros, spices, rice, cleaning products.

Leider requests a loan from ODEF/Kiva for 25,000 Lempiras to invest in the purchase of sugar, juices, sodas, eggs, dairy products, churros, spices, rice, cleaning products.

Her goal is to make her business grow.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Betyna Almeida-Covarrubias.

This loan is special because:

It supports single mothers raising families on very little income.

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