A loan helped to buy dairy cows.

Herminia's story

Herminia S. G., 36, lives alone with her six young children, who are 15, 10, 8, 6, 4 and 2 years old. They live near Vilomilla in a farming sector of Sipe-Sipe, Quillacollo province.

Herminia is a farmer and also raises dairy cattle for raw milk production. She lives alone with her children because her husband abandoned her a year ago. Since then, she supports her large family by herself.

Herminia milks her cows daily early in the morning. She then returns home to get her children ready for school and takes them there. Next, she takes her cows out to pasture, delivers the milk for sale and returns home to prepare lunch for her children. Thus her daily routine is hard work.

Herminia is always looking to provide her children with a better life, a better education, nutrition and health; everything that is within her grasp to give them, even though life for them has been very hard since their father left. The children hope to study and always help their mother.

She is asking for funding to buy another cow so that milk production will increase thereby increasing income so that she can provide a better standard of living for her family.

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Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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