A loan helped a member to buy 44 sacks (100 kg each) of cassava flour, including transportation, to build up her business.

Utii Group's story

Francoise is a client of the Hekima microfinance institution and she is responsible for the “UTII” banque villageoise. She is 45 years old, married, and the mother of six children, one of whom is still a student. She sells cassava flour at the central market in town, with the startup capital received from someone who is deceased. With this loan she will buy 44 sacks of cassava flour (of 100 kg each) including transportation, to build up her business. She counts on opening a big cassava warehouse in the area, and feeding and educating her children well. Thank you to Hekima and its partners for the support to people who are economically poor.

In this group: Francoise, Deodatte, Esther, Joseline, Shwema, Baderha, Esperance, Wivinne, Immaculee, Leochadie, Irene, Marie, Julienne, Marie Rose, Josephine, Velaria, Flora, Antoinette, Stanislas, Bijoux, Suzane

Translated from French.

This loan is special because:

It serves entrepreneurs in conflict-affected areas with few opportunities.

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Lenders and lending teams

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