A loan helped to buy materials like makeup, hair color, and some salon devices for her salon.

Ghadeer's story

Ghadeer is an independent divorced woman and the mother of one child. She is from a small village near Jenin city.

Two years ago Ghadeer opened her own business, and that is what is making her financially independent after she divorced. Ghadeer has loyal customers because she is very good at her job. She is talented and self-motivated.

Recently she decided to buy some tools for her salon. She went to Palestine for Credit and Development (FATEN) to request a USD loan to help her to buy materials like makeup, hair color, and some salon devices for her salon.

Ghadeer wants to open a big beauty center in the city to create job opportunities for ladies. She appears in the photo.

This loan is special because:

It creates opportunity for women 35 and younger.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details