A loan helped .

Kareemah's story

I grew up in East NY Brooklyn as an only child in a pretty impoverished neighborhood. My family was of the working middle class and owned their home. My mother bought me lots of dolls and clothes. I also played in my mothers makeup and her clothing. I loved Fashion and beauty and most of it stemmed from her. I had a very large family and between all of my aunts, cousins and friends, I had plenty of hair to play with!!

When I was a kid my uncle would take me out with him to sell socks and underwear from his trunk. I loved his drive and he said he took me with him because the people liked me and they would buy everything up from him if I was there. My job was to say "Thank You ",and "have a nice day" or "Good Morning". Long story short, I remember feeling so good about selling things, and watching him collect a lot of money and most of all I would get paid or he would take me to White Castles which was my favorite at the time.

I had a pretty fun childhood with lots of dreams and I was able to fulfill the dream of becoming a business owner with the help of my mother, and a private investor. I am currently a business owner and I employ 5 people and I dream to open up a beauty school in Brooklyn, NY to teach all of the latest techniques in the hair and makeup beauty world.

This loan is special because:

it helps a female entrepreneur cover the costs of moving her salon to a better location.

Loan details


Industry: Retail
Years in operation: New Business
Website: bklynbeautymix.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details