A loan helped to buy chemicals, fertilizer, a new wheelbarrow, a tiller, a rake, new gumboots, and a spade.

Fenumiai's story

Fenumiai is 35 years old and married with 1 child. She has a small plantation where she grows taro and bananas that she can sell in her community or at the market. She has been doing this for 2 years. She has many loyal customers due to her fresh products and good customer service.

Fenumiai needs a loan to buy chemicals, fertilizer, a new wheelbarrow, a tiller, a rake, new gumboots, and a spade, to help her with the business or take her business to the next level. She joined SPBD in 2017.

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details