A loan helped to buy more fish.

Nourn's story

Mrs. Nourn P. is a villager who lives in Phngeas village in Takeo province. She and her husband, Mr. Trork Ou, are farmers who own a plot of land to cultivate rice. Aside from being a farmer, her husband sells fish, and owns a motorbike to transport the fish to sell and earn a living. Since her husband's business is doing well, she wants to expand it.

Mrs. Nourn P. is now requesting 2,000,000 Riels from AMK to buy more fish to resell. With this loan she hopes to earn additional income, so she can improve the living conditions of her family. Mrs. Nourn P. is a mother of three children, one of whom supports the parent's businesses, another one is a student in the local school, while the youngest one is 4 years old.

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