A loan helped to invest in a bulk purchase of fabric and batik materials.

Desak's story

Desak is an artisan from Indonesia who specializes in batik robes and decor accents. She would like to invest in a bulk purchase of fabric and batik materials.

Desak has been selling through NOVICA since 2000. This is her story:

Desak learned how to make batik from Desak Putu Nithi. "When I worked with her, she taught me many things about textiles and hand-painting batik. The thing I like about her is her dedication to her work and her concern for the people working with her. I have built my career step by step. I started by asking my neighbors to come to my place to look at my collection and place orders if they like it. Now, there's so much to do I need the help of several assistants!"

"I thank all of you who allow me to develop my business with this microcredit. My robes have been in high demand, so I need working capital to be able to build up my inventory. Thank you.

Use the link below to view Desak's batik robes and decor accents on the NOVICA site:


This loan is special because:

It gives artisans working capital at 0% interest rates.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details