A loan helped to buy quality farming inputs at affordable prices and to improve her farm for more income.

Mourine's story

Mourine (39-year-old mom of 1) is an excellent example of a hard worker and a happy mum who will move from pillar to post for the satisfaction of her family. She has an inborn desire to achieve and takes her work seriously.

Mourine practices mixed crop and dairy farming which is her only way of making an income for her family. In the modern world, agriculture has become exceedingly dynamic, therefore upgrading the kind of inputs that are being used in the sector today. On this note, there is a need to use improved farming inputs for effective production. These include high quality seeds and fertilizers.

This loan will enable Mourine to purchase farm inputs (hybrid seeds and nutrient-rich fertilizers) to produce a good harvest that will support her children and improve her housing conditions.

This loan is special because:

It finances smallholder farmers to purchase dairy cows, chickens, cereals, farm inputs and farming equipment.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details