A loan helped to purchase construction materials to provide his family with a secure home.

Eugenio Leopoldo's story

Eugenio is a hard-working man, 59 years old. After the death of his spouse, he was left to care for his 2 children. They live in the locality of Chavina, which is located in Coracora.

He works offering educational services at the primary level at a school in his locality, work he has been doing for 32 years.

He asks for the microloan to purchase construction materials to provide his family with a secure home.

Eugenio hopes in the future to improve his business and to continue offering his children a good education, so that they manage to become professionals.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H.

This loan is special because:

Expands access to financial services for rural clients.

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