A loan helped a member to buy tree sap for her copal incense business.

Mujeres Unidas De Pacabrican Group's story

Copal incense is an aromatic resin from the tree of the same name that has been used by native people to purify the energy of people, places, spaces and things since Pre-Columbian times.

Micaela, a 22-year-old member of the Friendship Bridge Trust Bank “Mujeres Unidas de Pacabrican,” makes and sells copal. She is requesting her third Kiva loan to buy tree sap at the wholesale level. Since she lives with her parents, some of her income will be used to cover household expenses. She has been working since she was a child because her family doesn’t have a great deal of income.

Micaela has 6 years of formal education and was elected Secretary of her Trust Bank located in the department/state of Totonicapan. Along with 8 other Maya “K’iche” ladies, she looks forward to her monthly meetings. Especially important are the monthly educational trainings that give women essential tools for success. They learn to manage their businesses effectively, care for their families, and empower themselves. The women apply what they learn about planning, budgeting and investing to their farms, animal husbandry and copal businesses. Every other month, they have access to basic health care services. “Microcredit Plus” is the name of this effective combination of loans, education, and healthcare services.

Thank you, Kiva investors, for your generosity in funding these important loans!

In this group: Josefa Micaela , Isabel , Ana , Juana , Santos , Juana , Micaela Sulema , Bernardina , Carmen

This loan is special because:

Clients receive in-depth trainings on business, health, over-indebtedness, and self-esteem.

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