A loan helped to buy different varieties of cereals, such as maize, sorghum, rice, wheat, barley, and millet, to sell in the local market.

Beatrice's story

Beatrice is a wonderful mother with six children. She loves her children unconditionally. Beatrice lives with her beautiful children in Bomet, a region endowed with natural streams and green vegetation. Every early morning before the fog clears, she wakes up, prepares her children for school, and later attends to her daily farming chores (weeding, planting, irrigating and milking). On her farm, she keeps cows and has a small cash crop of a garden and trees.

To earn additional income, Beatrice makes a commission on sales for which she helps arrange, getting farm produce from local farmers to their buyers. She has been doing this business for over a decade. She continually makes an effort to build strong relationships because reputation is everything in her line of work.

Since Beatrice can arrange a sale more easily than regular farmers, she prefers to deal with larger volumes of produce. She is seeking a loan to buy cereals from local farmers at fair prices and to use her better understanding of the market conditions and prices to sell them at a profit. This loan will help her clients focus on production rather than sales, and it will help her family earn a better income to uplift their livelihood.

You can support her dream by giving Beatrice a loan! She thanks you wholeheartedly in advance for taking precious time out of your busy schedule to check on her short profile and lend to her.

This loan is special because:

It finances smallholder farmers to purchase dairy cows, chickens, cereals and farming equipment.

Loan details

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