A loan helped to pay for additional supplies and merchandise products like clothing, footwear, undergarments, and cosmetics.

Analyn's story

Analyn is very thankful to all the lenders of Kiva for helping her run her business. The previous loan lent to her enabled her to buy the products needed in her direct selling business. She also earned surplus income that she used as a revolving fund and for paying her children's educational expenses.

Analyn would again like to ask for financial assistance that will be used in buying additional supplies and merchandise products like clothing, footwear, undergarments, and cosmetics. She hopes that her business will continue to flourish and have more customers and also dreams to help others financially.

A member of the Center for Community Transformation, Analyn meets her fellowship partners weekly to share her life’s testimony and business experience with her fellowship members. She also draws strength and inspiration from the fellowship and by listening to the Word of God. A fellowship group is composed of 15 to 20 members. The groups gather each week to study the Word of God, build social relationship among partners, and pay Micro Finance loans.

This loan is special because:

It's part of the partner's mission to empower communities through financial services and spiritual direction.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details