A loan helped a member to buy bean seeds and to pay for labor for planting the crops.

Twinomugisa Kabwoya Sub Parish Group's story

Joan is requesting a loan to buy bean seeds and pay for labor for planting the crops. She is a very active member of Twinomugisa Kabwoya Sub Parish Group, in which members guarantee each other in order to access financial support to develop their home livelihoods.

Joan's main economic activity is farming, and she grows crops like bananas, beans and cassava. She is a single woman, a mother of four children and responsible for paying school fees for her children. After attending to her gardens and when it is not farming season, she also operates a retail shop that sells general merchandise. Joan is, however, challenged by pests and diseases on her crops, plus the prolonged drought. She is proud of her work during her nine years in this business, since it earns her income to look after her family.

In this group: E Francis , Patrick , Francis , Joan , Julius , Joseph , Leonard , Kamil , Leonard , Peter, Raphael , Byenjumbi

This loan is special because:

It helps increase the productivity and income of rural farmers in Uganda.

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