A loan helped to buy grocery products for the store.

Primrose's story

Primrose is a 26-year-old entrepreneur who lives with her husband and their two children in Hurungwe District in Zimbabwe. She currently sells groceries at the local marketplace. With her first Kiva loan, she expanded her poultry project to house more chickens with a larger run. She used the profit she earned to pay fees for her child and to pay the fees required for supplementing her failed 'O' level subjects with other classes.

She is now requesting a second loan to diversify her business by expanding her grocery business, introducing cooking oils and produce. She plans to use the profit she earns to go to college and buy better clothes and food for her family.

Primrose will repay the ‘social interest’ on her second loan by volunteering 2.5 hours per week as a CAMFED Learner Guide, facilitating classes from CAMFED’s ‘My Better World’ program with students at her local secondary school, helping to build children’s self-esteem and motivating them to remain in school.

This loan is special because:

It is a 0% interest loan for young women with new businesses.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details