A loan helped to pay for maintenance, fertilizers etc. to continue expanding his plantings.

Santos's story

Santos, 36, has a stable home with his wife and small children. He lives in a one-story house made from scavenged materials; he was born in the village of Cañaris; he and his family live alongside other community members in the Ferreñafe district; his home has water services.

Santos grows coffee plants, with 2 hectares at the moment of a cacao variety. He has done this work for six years in the village of Cañaris in the Ferreñafe district. He has experience growing coffee, and sells his product in his district to customers from there and surrounding areas.

The loan will be used as working capital to pay for crop maintenance, fertilizers etc. to continue expanding his planting area; and to buy other supplies that will help improve his earnings, since he hopes coffee prices will improve in the coming year. This investment will help Santos to increase his income and improve his family's quality of life.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Diane Stockwell.

This loan is special because:

It reaches the underserved.

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