A loan helped to buy farm inputs such as seeds and fertilizers and hire laborers to help a mom with a cute and contagious smile improve her farm, creating hope for a woman smallholder farmer.

Caren's story

Dear Kiva lenders!

Get to know Caren, a mom with a cute and contagious smile. A smallholder farmer from a remote village in the Kericho area of Kenya, she started farming a few years ago on a small plot she acquired. On the farm she has dairy cows and a small garden.

To grow more crops on the farm, she is seeking a loan to pay for farm inputs and to hire laborers. It takes a lot for a smallholder farmer to risk limited resources to expand a farm business.

With your help, Caren will be able to pay the high cost of farm inputs necessary for expansion. A significant portion of the profits will be plowed back into the business to fuel growth as she sets a good foundation for her family.

She really hopes for your help and contribution. She is thankful in advance and looking forward to your financial support and hoping for your trust.

Kindly lenders, create hope for people around the world this holiday season!

This loan is special because:

It finances smallholder farmers to purchase dairy cows, chickens, cereals and farming equipment.

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