A loan helped to diversify the farm with 2 pigs and buy good quality forage, for a wider market and further develop the farm.

Satenik's story

Get to know Satenik, an experienced agronomist from Shvanidzor village. She lives with her husband, whom you can see in the picture. Together they have kept 50 bee colonies for 5 years. They have a loyal customer base, to whom they sell honey almost every year. Aside from agriculture, Satenik teaches the Armenian language at a local school already 10 years. She is a very devoted and lovely teacher.

Recently Satenik and her husband saw a potential in the market and wanted to expand their farm. Thus, Satenik applied for a financial assistance. They plan to diversify the farm with 2 pigs and buy good quality forage for them. They are sure that this will help them access a wider market and increase the income from sales. Satenik and her husband are hoping to have the expected results sooner and develop the farm even more.

This loan is special because:

It supports clients who were rejected by other lending institutions.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details