A loan helped to pay for medical treatment and to purchase medication to improve her health.

Bisharofat's story

Bisharofat is an energetic and happy woman of the age of 47. She is married, and the mother of three children. She has worked with retail sales for some years. She sells dried fruits at the market.

Bisharofat has gotten problems with her health, and she needs a medical examination. Currently she needs financial support. Due to a lack of money, she turned to "MDO Arvand" for help. She hopes that "MDO Arvand" will help her.

For the money received, Bisharofat will get medical treatment and purchase medication, which is necessary for her health. She is thankful to "MDO Arvand" and Kiva for the support. She extends her gratitude to all for the collaboration and support.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Audhild A..

This loan is special because:

It helps families pay for potentially life saving medical expenses.

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