A loan helped a member to buy more trousers, shirts, and skirts to sell.

Jyambere Cb Group's story

Esperance is a group representative of Jyambere Cb Group in Rwanda. She is 28 years old and still single. She is a tailor and she has been running the business for eight years.

With the loan, she would like to buy more trousers, shirts, and skirts to sell. The profit from the increased sales will be used to grow the business and to increase her savings and engage in poultry.

The entire group works hard to grow their businesses.

In this group: Jeannette, Felix , Ndayambaje Agnes, Rose, Abraham, Gerturde, Jean Pierre, Esperance, Emelienne, Jeannette, Innocent, Jacqueline, Beathe, Jeannette, Reverien, Lucie, Honorine, Daniel, Vianney

This loan is special because:

It provides financial opportunities to riskier Rwandan entrepreneurs who rely on social collateral.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details